About A Song


How do you launch a new musical project in the midst of a pandemic, when you can’t play shows? This was the question we were asking ourselves near the end of 2020. We had been writing a lot of new music and wanted to set it loose into the world. The idea of a video-cast called “About a Song” was born. We would record video of 12 of the new songs we had written. After each song we would talk about some of the following - how the song came to be written, the storyline (sometimes), the help we received from other writers, friends and loved ones, general thoughts on songwriting and our process, life, etc…. And after the first episode, we decided to talk about the bottle of wine we open for each session (this had become a tradition in our writing sessions). Season 1 will kickoff on May 12, 2021 with a new episode released weekly. There is already talk of season 2, but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves…


Episode 1 “Sunday Drivin’”

Episode 2 “Surrender’”

Episode 3 “Our Defense”

Episode 4 “Turns Out”

Episode 5, “Bun Slow”

Episode 6, “Learning to Let Go”